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January 1, 2020


JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters 

by NancyElin

“History would be an excellent thing if only it was true” (Leo Tolstoy)

  • Author:  J. Douglass, Pete Larkin
  • Title:  JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters  (518 pg)
  • Published: 2008
  • Genre:  non-fiction
  • Challenge 2020
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  1. This book still haunts me.
  2. I feel in the 1960s that I have been taken for a fool.
  3. Warren Report about the Kennedy assassination?
  4. You can just shred it and use it in the kitty litter box.
  5. Worthless.



  1. The assassination of JFK left an indelible mark on me.
  2. I came home from school and heard on th TV as Walter Cronkite
  3. announced, with tears in his eyes, that  JFK was dead.
  4. The nation mourned, the world mourned.
  5. Who killed JFK?
  6. It is no secret now
  7. …it was the CIA
  8. …it was a coup d’etat.
  9. Lee Harvey Oswald was only a product of a fake defector program run by CIA
  10. …and groomed as a despensible scapegoat for the killing of a presdent.
  11. The tapestry of President Kennedy’s killing is enormous.


  1. This is an encyclopedic work that covers a vast amount of research.
  2. While elements of organized crime and Cuban exiles were very likely
  3. recruited to the ‘Big Event’ the plotters came from
  4. the military – big business – CIA – FBI – Secret Service – LBJ
  5. That is why the cover-up persists today.
  6. The book also mentions several people who ‘died mysteriously’
  7. shortly before and after the assassination.
  8. This brought me to a book published in 2013
  9. ….that has not gotten much
  10. attention on non-fiction reading lists:


  1. Hit List: An In-Depth Investigation into the
  2. …Mysterious Deaths of Witnesses to the JFK Assassination.
  3. Also Crossfire by Jim Marrs (1989)  and
  4. Mary’s Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy,
  5. Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace (2013).
  6. #MustReads if you want to know more about 22 November 1963.


Last thoughts:

  1. After fifty-six years, the official spin
  2. remains of a  the lone nut assassin.
  3. When will this lie finally be eradicated?
  4. So devastating to read how so many people’s lives were ended
  5. because they knew or saw too much.
  6. The prostitute ‘Sharlee’ thrown out of bar the Silver Slipper.
  7. She ends up in hospital 2 days before the assassination and
  8. announces that Kennedy will be killed in Dallas!
  9. She was killed in 1964.
  10. A man’s life is ruined because  he gave Lee Harvey Oswald a lift while
  11. …he was carrying a package of curtain rods
  12. …a few days before 22 November 1963.
  13. He told his story and ended up in a prison and mental institutions  for 11 years
  14. …he was clearly not stable according the ‘powers that be.’


  1. The US government consistently and intentionally
  2. misrepresented and lied about what really took place
  3. in Dallas on 22 November 1963.
  4. You cannot deny it….US government is corrupt.
  5. Like Rome before it ….America is indeed burning.
  6. Now when I watch the US news
  7. ….I think “what is REALLY going
  8. ….on behind closed doors in The White House?
  9. President Donald Trump blocked the
  10. …release of an unknown number of documents,
  11. saying he had “no choice” but
  12. to bow to national security concerns of the FBI and CIA.
  13. The deadline for releases was on 26 April 2018.
  14. Who knows what we will learn when the last 1% is released.
  15. I hope I live to hear  the truth!
  16. Essential reading for anyone with even a passing interest
  17. in the assassination, and, of course, for every history major.
  18. #MustRead




Read more from Art & Culture, non-fiction
6 Comments Post a comment
  1. Jan 1 2020

    Fascinating, Nancy! I’ve read a number of books about the Kennedy family over the years. This belongs on my list.

    • Jan 1 2020

      I learned so much in this book !

  2. Jan 10 2020

    Glad you enjoyed it Nancy! I admit I have looked very little into the history of why Kennedy was killed, but now I’m curious.

  3. Louise Minervino
    Sep 28 2020

    I don’t think I can count the number of books I’ve read on the JFK/RFK assassinations before this one… and I still learned more. Larkin puts it all together. After reading this I watched the Oliver Stone movie and I saw it with new eyes. Garrison was a lone hero. It took a generation or two for the truth to percolate.

    One person who successfully skated doubts was Arlen Specter. He was a Democrat who became a Republican after he defended the single bullet theory. What he did… and why he did it have never been mentioned or questioned.

    • Sep 29 2020

      I’m just like you….I read the book, bought the dvd JFK…watched it again.
      I crave any book that will explain to me what really happened.
      I think two things hit me very hard: I remember the TV broadcasts in November 1963. All the explanations…were lies and I and many Americans just lapped it up.
      The next thing: the fact that LBJ KNEW JFK was going to be assassinated. He was in on the plan. I’ve asked myself how did LBJ sleep at night. But Louise, politics goes on and I am ready to listen to tonight’s debate (…trying to stay awake to see it live 0100-0200 CET), watch what happens druing this elelction and await the books that will come out in the future to tell us what really happend. I proudly wear the 2020 campaign button Biden/Harris “I paid more income taxes than Donald Trump.” Always good to hear from you!


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  1. #Challenge 2020: Read non-fiction for a year | NancyElin

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