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February 17, 2024


#Art History Edouard Vuillard

by NancyElin

Finish: 17.02.2024
Title: Vuillard (1868-1940) et l’art du Japon (2003)
Genre: Art History (NF)  (255 pg)
Language: French
Rating: A+++++++


  1. This is another wonderful book about art history!
  2. Vuillard  et l’art du Japon so easy to read.
  3. Essays are supported by many illustrations in the book
  4. …to indicate how Vuillard was influenced by l’art du Japon.
  5. I love the feel of the book, the paper…is that possible?
  6. NOTE: If you are interested the Van Gogh Musem in Amsterdam has
  7. The Complete  Series Paysages Interieueres (13 lithos)  by Vuillard
  8. Vincent Van Gogh museum link:  HERE


  1. What were Vuillard’s themes?
  2. Daily life in cities, parks, gardens  and later he travelled to 
  3. …Loire-Atlantique, Normandie, Bretagne, Suisse
  4. to capture  “images du monde flottant”  in nature.


  1. What are some charactistics of Vuillard’s painting?
  2. Point of view: bird’s-eye view (vue en plongée), contre-plongée (low-angle view)
  3. …and the use of   flat surfaces of uniform colors and
  4. …no variation of brightness. (les aplats).
  5. Vuillard preferred to give his compositions a very subtil elegance.


  1. How did Vuillard evolve  his artistic skills?
  2. With the help of Aguste Clot …Vuillard learned the are of lithographs.
  3. Vuillard wanted to use this art form …he saw in  Japanese art.
  4. He was very impressed by Hiroshige’s woodblock prints.
  5. Snow Drum Birdge…is an example of one of these prints.
  6. The book is written for the causal lover of art… less academic!
  7. It is a beautiful book revealing  art at its  apogee!
  8. Japanese influences on Vuillard’s art:
  9. …plan coupé, cadrage serré et juxtaposition d’aplats colorés.


What is Vuillard’s  “champ d’émotion” (emotional territory)?

  1. Vuillard is captivated by
  2. …what he sees in the streets, parks, cafés of Paris.
  3. His paintings give us a glimpse of this emotional and sentimental experience.
  4. Vuillard never married but had 3 great loves in his life:
  5. Mother – Sister – and his niece Annette.


What is most important for Vuillard? 

  1. Vuillard loved the feeling of being in a “family fold” (dan le giron de la famille).
  2. He refers often to  the world of women (grandmother, mother and sister) in his painting. 
  3. The figure of his mother is bound to his paintings ” les paysages intérieurs.” 
  4. …especially her sewing atelier.
  5. Vuillard  also had a special tenderness towards  his niece Annette
  6. …and  the nannies and the infants  he saw  and painted in Parisian parks. (les nounous et les marmots).


  1. What are some of my favorite Vuillard’s paintings/prints?
  2. Le Paravent Desmarais.
  3. Notice that the persepective is indicated at the BOTTOM of the and the
  4. harmony  between sections of  the screen is achieved by the irregular decorative floor tiles,
  5. …the characters blend with the wall tapestry.

What does Vuillard use in his paintings to highten the emotional value? 

  1. He LOVES to paint  fabrics with intricate designs.
  2. It is a beautiful illusion! (leurre visuel).
  3. People seem to blend into the backround!

Mère et sœur de l’artiste


Femme assise – tasse de café


What did I love in Vuillard’s paintings/litho’s ? 

  1. Patterns and color juxtapositions pushed Vuillard  to develop a style
  2. …that makes the viewer work to “read” the composition fully.
  3. His paintings  are executed in the delicate range of soft,
  4. …blurred colors characteristic of his art. 
  5. NOTE: I’m still looking for the face of the woman on the left!
  6. I think it is a hat with a veil….hmmmm?
  7. Look carefully…we are looking at the back of her neck and the ruffle of the dress!

Deux Belle-Sours


Table of Contents:

  1. Vuillard et l’art du Japon (1890-1914) – Mathais Chivot
  2. Les pauysages intérieurs – Mathais Chivot (responsible for Vuillard archive)
  3. Un voyageur immobile – Isabelle Cahn
  4. Paysage et japonnisme chez Vuillard – Corinne Currat
  5. Japonisme –  M. Bocquillon
  6. Scènes de la vie ordinaire –  M. Bocquillon
  7. Femme au col de Fourure – Isabelle Cahn (specialist movement ‘Les Nabis’
  8. Paravents et kakémonos l’art du décor –  M. Bocquillon
  9. Estampes –  M. Bocquillon
  10. Nature, l’émerveillement –  M. Bocquillon
  11. Les Nabis, tous japonisants –  M. Bocquillon
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6 Comments Post a comment
  1. Feb 17 2024

    Fantastic post, thanks! Incidentally, my niece also recently mentioned that book to me!

    • Feb 17 2024

      I enjoyed this book MORE ….than the one about Gustave Moreau. Both books have beautiful images but the language in this book felt less “academic” . Reading Vuillard et l’art du Japon…felt as if I was visiting the expositon!

  2. Feb 17 2024

    “I love the feel of the book, the paper…is that possible?”
    YES it is!!
    I have books that I love the texture of the paper or the cover. It’s the way they glide through my fingers as I turn each page. Deckled edges work for me the same way.
    Sounds like you got a lot out of this book.

    • Feb 17 2024

      I have a new bookcase in my living room and have re-discovered the joy of books and displaying them! I only order Kindle book is it not available in print or the print edition is tooo expensive! Thanks for visiting the blog…during your vacation!

  3. I’m not familiar with the artist so thank you for sharing.

    • Mar 2 2024

      Reading many books about art history this year…it is just amazing how much I don’t see when I’m looking at a painting. After reading…I see so much more! That is how I discovered the angle of perspective Vuillard used with the “tiled floor” at the bottom of the painting!


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